The proportion of VOC coating products reached 60% in 2018
工业和信息化部和财政部2016年7月8日联合发文《工业和信息化部财政部关于印发重点行业挥发性有机物削减行动计划的通知》(工信部联节〔2016〕217号),宣布为贯彻落实《中国制造2025》(国发〔2015〕28号)和《大气污染防治行动计划》(国发〔2013〕37号),加快推进落实绿色制造工程实施指南,推进促进重点行业挥发性有机物(VOC)削减,提升工业绿色发展水平,改善大气环境质量,提升制造业绿色化水平,工信部组织编制了《重点行业挥发性有机物削减行动计划》,并向各省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市、新疆生产建设兵团工业和信息化主管部门、财政厅(局)、有关行业协会印发,计划实施期为2016-2018年。 据中国化工学会水性技术应用专委会了解,根据该《计划》制定的主要目标,到2018年低(无)VOC涂料产品比例要达到60%!《计划》指出,工业是VOC排放的重点领域,排放量占总排放量的50%以上,工业排放源复杂,主要涉及生产、使用、储存和运输等诸多环节,其中:石油炼制与石油化工、涂料、油墨、胶粘剂、农药、汽车、包装印刷、橡胶制品、合成革、家具、制鞋等行业VOC排放量占工业排放总量的80%以上。工业行业VOC排放具有强度大、浓度高、污染物种类多等特点,回收再利用难度大、成本高,是工业领域VOC削减的重点。 目前,大气污染防治形势严峻,加快重点行业VOC削减,对推动工业绿色发展,促进大气环境质量改善,保障人体健康具有重要意义。 为此,《计划》提出的思路为:以技术进步为主线,坚持源头削减、过程控制为重点,兼顾末端治理的全过程防治理念,发挥企业主体作用,加强政策支持引导,推动企业实施原料替代和清洁生产技术改造、提升清洁生产水平,促进行业绿色转型升级。 而《计划》制定的主要目标为:到2018年工业行业VOC排放量比2015年削减330万吨以上,减少苯、甲苯、二甲苯、二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)等溶剂、助剂使用量20%以上,低(无)VOC的绿色农药制剂、涂料、油墨、胶粘剂和轮胎产品比例分别达到70%、60%、70%、85%和40%以上。 涂料行业的主要任务为:重点推广水性涂料、粉末涂料、高固体分涂料、无溶剂涂料、辐射固化涂料(UV涂料)等绿色涂料产品。《计划》指出,要实施工艺技术改造工程,其中家具行业中,木质家具制造企业推广应用VOC含量低的水性漆,鼓励“油改水”工艺和设备改造;软体家具企业推广应用水性胶粘剂。汽车行业中,涂装环节推进水性涂料、高固体份涂料替代溶剂型涂料,推广静电喷涂、淋涂、辊涂、浸涂等高效涂装工艺和先进智能化涂装设备。 此外,《计划》还提出要实施回收及综合治理工程,鼓励企业实施生产过程密闭化、连续化、自动化技术改造,建立密闭式负压废气收集系统,并与生产过程同步运行。采取密闭式作业,并配备高效的溶剂回收和废气降解系统。根据不同行业VOC排放浓度、成分,选择催化燃烧、蓄热燃烧、吸附、生物法、冷凝收集净化、电子焚烧、臭氧氧化除臭、等离子处理、光催化等针对性强、治理效果明显的处理技术对含VOC废气进行处理处置。为保障《计划》提出的各项目标顺利实现,《计划》还提出要加大政策引导支持力度,各级工业和信息化主管部门应充分利用专项建设基金、绿色信贷等资金渠道,支持工业企业实施VOC削减技术改造,对符合条件的VOC削减技术改造项目优先给予支持。有关地方财政部门可将符合规定的重点行业VOC削减技术改造项目纳入中央大气污染防治专项资金支持范围。此外,工信部还将组织制定VOC削减重点行业相关绿色设计产品评价标准,开展绿色设计产品评价工作,发布绿色设计产品名录,推动行业绿色发展。加强标准宣贯,树立设计示范企业,引领企业不断提升清洁生产技术水平。
On July 8, 2016, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued the "Notice of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Finance on Printing and Distributing the Action Plan for the Reduction of Volatile Organic Compounds in Key Industries" (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Joint Section [2016] No. 217), announcing the implementation of the "Made in China 2025" (GF [2015] No. 28) and the "Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan" (GF [2013] No. 37), accelerate the implementation of the implementation guidelines for green manufacturing projects, promote the reduction of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in key industries, enhance the level of industrial green development, improve the quality of the atmospheric environment, and enhance the green level of manufacturing. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology organized the preparation of the ''Volatile Organic Compounds Reduction in Key Industries Action Plan, and issued to all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities under separate state planning, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps industry and information technology departments, finance departments (bureaus), and relevant industry associations. The planned implementation period is 2016-2018.
According to the understanding of the Water-based Technology Application Committee of the China Chemical Industry Association, according to the main target set by the Plan, the proportion of low (no) VOC coating products will reach 60% by 2018!
The plan points out that industry is the key area of VOC emissions, accounting for more than 50% of the total emissions. Industrial emission sources are complex, mainly involving production, use, storage and transportation, among which: VOC emissions from petroleum refining and petrochemical, coatings, inks, adhesives, pesticides, automobiles, packaging and printing, rubber products, synthetic leather, furniture, footwear and other industries account for more than 80% of total industrial emissions. VOC emissions in the industrial industry have the characteristics of high intensity, high concentration, and many types of pollutants. It is difficult to recycle and reuse, and the cost is high, which is the focus of VOC reduction in the industrial field.
At present, the situation of air pollution prevention and control is grim. Accelerating the reduction of VOC in key industries is of great significance to promote the green development of industry, promote the improvement of atmospheric environmental quality, and protect human health.
Therefore, the idea put forward in the plan is to take technological progress as the main line, adhere to the source reduction and process control as the focus, take into account the whole process prevention and control concept of end treatment, give full play to the main role of enterprises, strengthen policy support and guidance, promote enterprises to implement raw material substitution and clean production technology transformation, improve the level of clean production, and promote the green transformation and upgrading of the industry.
The main objectives set out in the Plan are: by 2018, VOC emissions from the industrial sector will be reduced by more than 3.3 million tons compared with 2015, the use of solvents and additives such as benzene, toluene, xylene and dimethylformamide (DMF) will be reduced by more than 20%, and the proportion of low (no) VOC green pesticide formulations, coatings, inks, adhesives and tire products will reach 70%, 60%, 70%, 85% and 40% respectively.
The main task of the coating industry is to focus on the promotion of green coating products such as water-based coating, powder coating, high solid coating, solvent-free coating, radiation curing coating (UV coating) and so on.
The "Plan" pointed out that it is necessary to implement technological transformation projects. In the furniture industry, wooden furniture manufacturing enterprises promote the application of water-based paints with low VOC content, and encourage the transformation of "oil to water" processes and equipment; soft furniture enterprises promote the application of water-based adhesives. In the automotive industry, the coating process promotes water-based coatings, high-solid coatings instead of solvent-based coatings, and promotes efficient coating processes such as electrostatic spraying, flow coating, roller coating, dip coating, and advanced intelligent coating equipment.
In addition, the "Plan" also proposes to implement recovery and comprehensive treatment projects, encourage enterprises to implement closed, continuous, and automated technical transformations in the production process, establish a closed negative pressure exhaust gas collection system, and operate simultaneously with the production process. Take the closed operation, and equipped with efficient solvent recovery and waste gas degradation system. According to the VOC emission concentration and composition of different industries, select catalytic combustion, regenerative combustion, adsorption, biological method, condensation collection and purification, electronic incineration, ozone oxidation deodorization, plasma treatment, photocatalysis and other targeted treatment technologies with obvious treatment effect to treat and dispose of VOC-containing waste gas.
In order to ensure the smooth realization of the goals proposed in the plan, the plan also proposes to increase policy guidance and support. The competent departments of industry and information technology at all levels should make full use of special construction funds, green credit and other funding channels to support industrial enterprises. Implement VOC reduction technology transformation, and give priority to support qualified VOC reduction technology transformation projects. Relevant local financial departments may include VOC reduction technical transformation projects in key industries that meet the requirements into the scope of support for the central air pollution prevention and control special funds. In addition, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will also organize the development of VOC reduction key industries related to green design product evaluation standards, carry out green design product evaluation work, release green design product list, and promote the green development of the industry. Strengthen the standard publicity, establish design demonstration enterprises, and lead enterprises to continuously improve the level of clean production technology.
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